L’Odyssée de la Rose

La Rose Pauillac

I led the team in charge of designing the wine tour "L'Odyssée de la Rose" for the cooperative winery La Rose Pauillac. A great Bordeaux wine located on the mythical wine route. I also had to manage two service companies "Eugene" who handled the scenography and "Limelight" the content.


Project manager

Game designer

Service designer

Graphic designer


A wine tour for young and old.

The Bordeaux wine route attracts more and more French and international tourists every year. The greatest chateaux make invest to attract new customers behind their doors. In the context of strong competition, we developed with the cooperative La Rose Pauillac the idea of proposing a wine tour aimed at a different target than the great chateaux, the families.


David versus Goliath.

The conception of this project differs from the way we usually approach or launch our projects. The cooperative La Rose Pauillac has a very good reputation linked to the quality of the wine they produce. But it is also surrounded by wineries with a worldwide reputation (Listrac, Margaux, Moulis...). At the same time a budget not evolving in the same spheres. During the conception of this wine tourism project, we had to target a different client than our competitors, as well as a scenography that did not make use of the majesty of the place. The idea was to rely on a dreamlike effect that would touch young and adults.


Between the history and the fairy tale

Although La Rose Pauillac does not have a castle, the buildings have their charms, thanks to a 12m high vat room. It was then decided that the wine tour would take place in the cellars, taking us between the discovery of the winegrowers, the history of the cooperative and bringing a magical touch.


The story, the members, the enchantment

We decided first to create a real reception area where visitors could be welcomed to taste the wines in a welcoming environment. The tour then proposed the history of the cooperative and its members through video and explanatory panels. The magical part is the 360° projection in the room of the vats, 12m high. The proposed show would amaze young and old. We had also thought of the youngest throughout the visit which could seem long at a certain age.


La Rose Pauillac, in collaboration with the companies Cap Sciences, Eugene and Limelight, dresses up in light and presents "L’Odyssée de la Rose "! At the cooperative winery La Rose Pauillac, the men and women are committed to the values of cooperation, mutual aid and authenticity, all combined with the know-how and excellence of an appellation. An extraordinary story requires an extraordinary visit. Embark on « L'Odyssée de la Rose " and share a timeless moment with your family. "L'Odyssée de la Rose" is an immersive, dreamlike and sensory experience. Throughout the rooms, a play of light and shadow reveals the legend of the Rose. The visitor is plunged into a universe allowing him to let his imagination run free. Video projections and lighting serve the scenography and allow us to understand the manufacturing process and the daily life of the cooperators. An immersive show in the large 12-meter high vat room is the scene of a breathtaking emotional journey; a story mixing sound and projection, imagination and reality. During a treasure hunt, children discover a series of symbols, invisible to the naked eye, allowing them to lift the veil on the secret of the rose, so well kept for generations. With the right combination, the rose will come to life for the pleasure of all.

La Rose Pauillac will no longer have any secrets for you!


Scenography : Eugène (Society)

Content & Art production : Limelight (Society)

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