
Proof of Concept

I was in charge of the project management of a solution used to rethink communications in the Virtual Reality (VR) healthcare world. I also did UX design, UI design and interaction design. Pushing our boundaries and implementing an original idea was a rewarding experience.


Project manager

Interaction designer

UX designer

UI designer 


A world to share

During this project, which also served as a Proof of Concept (P.O.C), we wanted to change the way practitioners and patients interact when using a VR treatment. We wanted a virtual world to be accessible in two different forms, in VR and on a smartphone. The players are in different postures. One enjoyed the experience while the other could control it. A challenge we had to achieve in three weeks.


Communication between practitioner and patient

Our research phase did not take place during this project but was based on interviews and observations we had made. During our benchmark, we noticed that in our solutions as well as in those of our competitors, there was a break between reality and virtual during the launch of the VR session. Communication became complicated or impossible. Moreover, in a VR world, any intervention from the outside world could be experienced as aggression. So we wanted to work on a link that would still connect the two worlds.


Stepping out of our creative comfort zone

Between our first project and the realization of this P.O.C., the VR world had known some progress. We had moved from VR smartphone-based solutions to standalone ones like the Oculus Quest. We decided to use this new generation, to provide the most accomplished experience. We wanted to experiment with a situation based on practitioner and patient, but we also wanted to move away from the world of health and be more open-minded.


The bedtime story enters the 21st century

The R&D, as well as the design of the VR and smartphone application, had to be completed in 3 weeks. As project managers, we had to shake up our working methods. We switched to the SCRUM method, each person in the team had the tasks he had to perform. We had a meeting every morning to know the progress of each person, their problems and the tasks they would perform during the day. This also allowed us to exchange on different subjects and to propose help or improvements. This working method allowed us to create a coherent universe between the two applications and a fluidity that we had not yet achieved in our previous projects. On my side, I realized the whole interfaces of the application, illustrations representing the objects which one deposits in the world.


All the people in my team, being fans of video games. We wanted to orientate in a graphic universe related to this world and more precisely to the low-polygon style. As much in the VR world as on the application to keep a graphic coherence. We thought it would be interesting to carry this over to a different relationship. Let this solution be a support to the story a parent can tell to their children. Telling and creating a story in front of their eyes as if it's magical.

What story would you like to tell?


Front-end dev : Alan Guitard

Back-end dev : Baturay Alhaj Ahmad

3D designer : Simon Valaize

Sound designer : Guillaume Lavrilleux

UX designer : Aurelie Dunier

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Let’s get in touch

Feel free to reach me for a collaborations or just say « Hi! ». If you prefer to exchange around a virtual ☕️, it will be a pleasure 👌.
For an e-mail it's at the bottom of the page.

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