Défi Curieux!

Cap sciences

I led the team in charge of designing a TV game experience that will not require a TV production team behind it. My activities during this project touched all the phases of the project, the conception, the management, the realization...This project has the ambition to transform the scientific culture by bringing a playful part.


Product designer

Project manager

Game designer

Art director


A fully automated TV game in a museum

When I joined Cap Sciences, it was partly to work on a project that had been on their roadmap for some time. The idea was simple: "Create a TV game experience, 100% automated, camera, light show, jingle, music. Only one person is present, the host ». The goal was to transform the relationship between visitors and scientific culture. How to do it when it doesn't exist...simply create it from scratch. Conceiving this whole experience was a real challenge, especially in the middle of a pandemic.


What is the essence of a TV show?

The first step of this project was to define what makes the essence of a TV game. What differentiates a fun game from a boring one. So I went back to the games I knew, the ones I couldn't miss, the ones that made me want to enter the small screen to play them. The game's not being everything, I also had to understand what made a TV show spectacular to be able to transcribe it as well as possible.


Product designer and director at the same time

So I got involved in studying TV shows. Everything I discovered about lighting, jingles, camera changes were in fact managed by a live production team on the set. Breaking down all the bricks that made up a show make me realize that I had to become a TV director. Thinking about the show in a big way at first to focus on the details later. But I also realized that I was going to be a director with a development team but no production team. We were going to have to automate all the actions that were going to take place during the show. In parallel to all this, I had to find the essence of the game, which would make the participant of the show want to come and try it. In the same way that I wanted to cross my small screen. I have deconstructed several TV games. It emerged a game did not need complicated rules, but rather the opposite. The explanation had to take place in a very short time.


The conductor, central point of the whole project.

When a program is shot, the director has a "Conductor",  indicating the changes of camera shot each second, the intervention of the participants, their locations, the jingles, the music to be launched...This conductor allows us to leave no place for improvisation. We had found the central idea of our project, we have to reproduce this conductor and allow it to control all the material automatically. An automated system allowing us to switch camera shots, launch music or a jingle, select the right lighting scenario... without any human intervention. The conductor and the host controlled alternatively the show. An invisible synergy for the participants. For the atmosphere, we wanted to mix hilarious and a knowledge game.


Défi Curieux! is organized like a real TV show. The game is a rhythmic and timed quiz that takes place over 3 rounds and pits 2 teams of up to 18 players against each other, each with a smartphone to answer. Thanks to an immersive atmosphere and animation, the players are immersed in a real TV show. Wall of screens, buzzers, cameras, light show, jingle and music...all elements at the service of a thematic and entertaining game presented with humour by our host. The players compete through quizzes and speed challenges that test their intellectual and collaborative skills as well as their memory capacities. The final round is the most intense, involving the best of each team in a colourful challenge, by selecting the right colour code using buzzers. Following the success of "Défi Curieux!" in the previous exhibition "Chien et Chat", it has been renewed for the current exhibition "Critical Thinking", and the next one "Body and Sport". Défi Curieux! is a new form of scientific culture experience using the codes of game shows to enrich knowledge related to science in a fun way.

Can you master Defi Curieux! and reach the top?

All the technologies and the work behind Défi Curieux! are too complex to be explained in such a few lines. If you are interested to have more info about this project, feel free to contact me, It will be a pleasure to answer your question.


UX/UI design : Margaux Clerc / Eline Fumoleau

Graphic design : Margaux Clerc / Eline Fumoleau

Sound design : Guillaume Lavrilleux

Light show : Morad Sidi Aissa

Audio/Video : Antoine Pithon

External IT development : Dorian Tourin-Lebret

In-house IT development : Jean-françois Maurer

Scenic designer : Frederic Barreau

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Let’s get in touch

Feel free to reach me for a collaborations or just say « Hi! ». If you prefer to exchange around a virtual ☕️, it will be a pleasure 👌.
For an e-mail it's at the bottom of the page.

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