Bel Expo

Brussels environments

I was in charge of the pre-show for the BELEXPO exhibition in Brussels, bringing the visitor into the experience of an interactive adventure trail. As well as the logistics related to the digital bracelet used in the exhibition.


UX researcher

Service designer

Workshop Designer



When design serves the employees

The Bel Expo exhibition, located in the Brussels Environment building in Brussels, requires the use of a connected bracelet. The management and the sequence of groups leaving no place to error, we had to find solutions to ensure a stock of bracelets is always loaded and available at the beginning of the exhibition. The wristband must also be an integral part of the exhibition, we had to make comfortable as possible.


Back and front, same battle

When we started working on the pre-show phase, the whole exhibition was finished. The different themes, the scenography, the duration of the sessions, the number of visitors at a time...We had in our hands a connected bracelet that allowed us to validate the different zones in the exhibition but nothing linked them. Our job was to find the why and the how, to create the storytelling behind all this. While keeping in mind the technical constraints. We created usage scenarios, which we tested in real life with schools visiting Cap Sciences museum. This allowed us to highlight issues invisible at the first sight.


Focusing on the details

Several issues emerged from our research phase, and we realized that they did not necessarily impact the visitors but mainly the animators and people in charge of the expo on a daily basis. In services offer, like an expo, a part of the experience goes through the employees. And an employee not happy at work will eventually lose motivation. We have expressed our wish to improve the wristbands, the storage furniture, and also the logistics rotation in order to avoid difficulty to the employees in going back and forth.


The little stories that make the big one

The storage furniture was merged to facilitate the work of the people in charge of the back part of the exhibition.The old functioning way would have taken them too much time, bringing stress in the following tasks to be done. Now the reloading time is done by placing the bracelet on the furniture, which also makes the storage aesthetic. Some elements like the bracelet were rethought, the first version required the presence of a 2nd person to attach it, too complex for the expected visitors. The intervention of an adult would have been necessary and add extra time in the duration of the visit. Now the bracelet is made of rubber, faster and more hygienic for daily use.


BELEXPO offers visitors an interactive adventure tour. Equipped with a digital bracelet, you will carry out, alone or in teams, missions that improve the quality of life and the environment. Climate change, pollution, traffic jams, lack of green spaces, waste... How will it still be possible to live well together in the city tomorrow? In 750m², BELEXPO invites young people, their teachers and their families to think about these issues playfully and positively. It offers an interactive experience aimed primarily at 10-14 year olds, but also at all those who are interested in the issues of today and tomorrow. The exhibition is structured around 10 thematic areas and designed to learn while having fun.

Will you be inspired to act?

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Feel free to reach me for a collaborations or just say « Hi! ». If you prefer to exchange around a virtual ☕️, it will be a pleasure 👌.
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