
Cap sciences

Défi Curieux!

Product design
A fully automated TV game in a museum

I led the team in charge of designing a TV game experience that will not require a TV production team behind it. My activities during this project touched all the phases of the project, the conception, the management, the realization...This project has the ambition to transform the scientific culture by bringing a playful part.

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Suez / Bordeaux Métropole

Escape Game Héros H2O

Project management
An escape game to mobilize young people

I was in charge of designing an escape game for the company Suez and Bordeaux Metropole. The theme being water, the goal was to make young people aware of their relationship with water. I handled project management, game design, as well as service design.

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La Rose Pauillac

L’Odyssée de la Rose

Project management
A wine tour for young and old.

I led the team in charge of designing the wine tour "L'Odyssée de la Rose" for the cooperative winery La Rose Pauillac. A great Bordeaux wine located on the mythical wine route. I also had to manage two service companies "Eugene" who handled the scenography and "Limelight" the content.

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Product design
At the crossroads between meditation and music

I was in charge with my team to transform a medical intervention related to multiple sclerosis, into a less painful situation for the patient. In this project, there was no application interface to realize, so I was lucky to focus on game design and project management.

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Proof of Concept


A world to share

I was in charge of the project management of a solution used to rethink communications in the Virtual Reality (VR) healthcare world. I also did UX design, UI design and interaction design. Pushing our boundaries and implementing an original idea was a rewarding experience.

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Brussels environments

Bel Expo

Service design
When design serves the employees

I was in charge of the pre-show for the BELEXPO exhibition in Brussels, bringing the visitor into the experience of an interactive adventure trail. As well as the logistics related to the digital bracelet used in the exhibition.

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