Photo de presentation

I am Abderrahmane Latif, an interaction and service designer based FRANCE

I worked for all kinds of structures, from the design agency to a museum, passing by a startup. All this experience was a perfect sequence to enhance my skills and to experiment with increasing responsibilities. 


From UX/UI designer and UX researcher where I’m focused on details, today I’m designing with the big picture in mind. I can manage both sides of a project, logistic and creative aspects. Every time I worked on a project I tried to find a concept, a story, a metaphor allowing to push away the vision of the product, application, service! The future users must understand the creator’s world behind it.

I see myself like a sponge, I absorb everything that I find interesting, then I process my discovery before twisting it, mixing it and spreading it in my project. For me, innovation can come from anything.


I had the chance to work on a music festival, health care app (VR and smartphone), escape game and create a new kind of entertainment. Whatever the project it’s, more than my professional skills, I want my passion for illustration, movies, series, games appear.  I share my thoughts by drawing, I sequence the user map like a storyboard and create experiences to follow the dramatic curve. I see projects as stories.

And this is exactly what I’ve done with all my projects as a product designer. Thinking about the experience as a timeline and not as individuals points. In HypnoSEP, the care begins even before you enter the doctor room. And for Défi Curieux!, from the beginning of the exposition, you can see the lightship and hear the music. It makes you want to reach this part. My background as a service designer allows me to create every step in a project. 


When I’m not at work, I enjoy drawing, listening music or do some sports like biking, hiking and basketball. I love some much to discover a new movie, series, music, illustrators…. I try to travel as much as possible, discover new countries and in a better way new culture. Food is my second nature and in my opinion, everything is better with a cup of coffee in hand.


« You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete »

R. Buckminster Fuller