

I was in charge with my team to transform a medical intervention related to multiple sclerosis, into a less painful situation for the patient. In this project, there was no application interface to realize, so I was lucky to focus on game design and project management.


Project manager

Game designer

UX designer


At the crossroads between meditation and music

Sclerosis is a disease that sends unwanted electrical signals into the muscles, walking becomes an excessively complicated task. In order to stop these signals, one treatment is to inject botulinum toxin into the muscles. The botulinum toxin serves to block these unwanted signals. This treatment is quite painful, so we wanted to move the patient's attention away. To disconnect patients from reality, we decided to use VR by adding elements related to meditation and music.


The benefits of meditation

To carry out this project, we relied on the research carried out by the scientific pole of our company. This research highlighted the benefits of meditation in pain management. The applications allowing to make this accessible to everyone are present on the app store. In the same way, music is also a very effective solution when we want to feel calm. The use of these two methods would allow us to reach a result more effectively.


Mediation as a path to healing

Meditation has this capacity, when it is done correctly, to inhabit your body. This is a very interesting capacity when we wish to avoid the pain associated with treatment. To make meditation and especially cardiac coherence accessible to everyone, we had to find an intuitive solution.


Creating a sphere of relaxation

We studied the treatments of injection of botulinum toxin. We discovered the patient had to lie on his back for the injection to be performed. We decided to separate the VR session into 3 phases. The first two phases allow the patient to relax and immerse himself completely in the session. The last one is in the form of a pleasant and very intuitive game allowing the patient to be totally immersed.


The instructions throughout the session are given orally and invite the patient to model his breathing on the movements of an energy ball. The first phase is cardiac coherence to help the patient to reduce the stress linked to the treatment. An energy ball expands and shrinks in rhythm. Lowers the patient's heart rate is, the better it's to enter a second state. In the following, we ask the patient to identify them with the ball by a form of association. The ball passes virtually through the VR helmet. The patient must identify with the energy. Then It first goes through a tutorial where he learns to feel one with the energy ball. When this phase of fusion is finished, the patient finds himself in an imaginary universe, he must then lie on his back. The botulinum toxin injection session can begin. The patient observes the sky and with the energy ball, recovers spheres of colour to create a melody.

A magical moment begins!


3D designer : Simon Valaize

Unity3D developer : Kevin Lépolard

Sound designer : Guillaume Lavrilleux

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Let’s get in touch

Feel free to reach me for a collaborations or just say « Hi! ». If you prefer to exchange around a virtual ☕️, it will be a pleasure 👌.
For an e-mail it's at the bottom of the page.

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